Improve your Funk Drumming skills with this groove!
Jul 01, 2022Hey everybody! Welcome back to another drum lesson! In this video, I will show you a new syncopated drum groove that will help you be more creative in building your funk drumming grooves!
This groove has some cool syncopated accents to play on the snare, as you will see you are not going to play accents on the backbeat of 2 & 4! This will allow you to develop a real funky syncopated groove!
This is a groove inspired by Mike Clark and Harvey Mason. Pay also attention to the hi-hat and the kick drum which are syncopated as well!
If you are looking to play more syncopated, you have to try new combinations for the snare drums accents and you must stop playing the same old 8th notes or 16th notes pattern on the hi-hat. Try instead mixing these two subdivisions as I did for this groove and you will notice how fast your playing will improve!
Have fun!
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